Daughter 1: Mom, you are always making Indian or Pakistani food. Why dont you try something else? Me: But you might not like it. Besides I have so much of variety and spices that goes into these dishes and your father likes them too. Daughter 2: We are bored seeing the similar spices being combined in various ways and here is your chance. Show us that you can cook. Me: Name some thing that you want to eat and I will search and research. (Well I had made less of other cuisines so it was like giving an exam without actually studying for it) Daughter 1: We challenge you to cook Non-Indian for a whole week. Make Italian, Mexican, Spanish, anything but Indian. Me: Well I do cook up pizzas and steaks for you and not to forget those pastas and lasagnes. Daughter 2: Now just do these and make us happy. They think I have just come back from Master Chef or maybe I have written books on cuisines of the World, only I am not aware of it. !!! I had put my foot in my mouth, accepted the challenge and was now off to pursue this passion.

Next day onwards hunting for my recipe books, other than Indian cuisine (have 30-50 of them) I start to look at International Cuisines. Can you believe I had saved Women’s Era Cookery Special Editions from 30 years back and that too not 1 not 2, but 3. Well,quite handy I must say. Still as neat and new as they were then. International Cookery- just reading that I thought this was my escape plan to do the challenge and get away from the rebuke. I was hell bent on proving myself and try to tickle my kids and their father’s taste buds who set this challenge.

First segment I see is “Mediterranean Dishes”, well that sounds so interesting. Arabic is not Indian and I know how to do it. Years of staying in Kuwait has taught me to pick up the flavors. I have planned my menu – dolmeh, fattouche, fatayer, baba ghanoush, tabouleh and of course majboos ( the Kuwaiti Biryani). Next is Chinese ( Hey I did that last week). Easy as a pancake. Ok They might like pancakes too. Wow, I am experimenting and loving it. From Mexican burritos, paellas to Italian lasagnes and choux pastries to cakes and desserts all were slowly tempting me to start my art in the kitchen and turn this dream into a reality that I can be a super chef ! The actual task was to see if all ingredients are at home. I can add or delete something while cooking but it should not alter the essence of that dish. Voila!

Minced Meat stuffed in capsicum and tomatoes
pinwheel cinnamon rolls pre-dressing

cinnamon rolls with chocolate sauce

Experiments started in my kitchen and everyone was loving what ever I was cooking. They better do ! In fact I was doing fusions. That was the beauty of the entire challenge. I made home cooked rotis ( chapatis) and filled them with a spicy chicken mix and sauce. My frankie was ready ! And then there were others where my lasagnes had an Indian spicy touch or my rice had dill and sauteed onions to compliment with the curries. All in all, I was enjoying, the kids were enjoying and my husband was enjoying till……one day Husband : I miss Biryanis, pulaos and some vegetable curries. Me: Well, why dont you give it a try and make Biryani , the taste would be different and for a change I would like something cooked by you Husband : But I love your Biryani Me: Ok, let me quiz you, if you answer three of my questions I will make it for you. First how do you get the perfect fluffed rice for biryani? Husband : Take rice, put in water and boil. Me : Wrong. Second, what is the flavor in biryani along with the spices? Husband : Meat Me : Its saffron and fried onions. Third, My biryani has a unique quality I learnt from my mother. What is that? Husband : Just make it dear, I can only spell biryani – B I R Y A N I Me: OK. But its care, love and a lot of patience. Then and then only the Biryani can give you happiness.

I am sure you may think you already know what goes into the making of that perfect Biryani. I love th eway I make my biryani. It may be very different than the ones available outside or how others make it. People may know their own cuisines or just a few if they are residing in a second home. I mean home away from home. Like I do ! Staying in the Middle East for years, of course I have imbibed not only the Kuwaiti cuisines, but tasted, liked, disliked and variated some others to suit my palate. These range from Egyptian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi, Moroccan etc to name the Arabic culinary kitchens. But being a lover of good food, I have gone beyond to try, taste, and try at home Thai, Spanish, Italian, Mexican and other European dishes.

I aim to be in Master Chef one day but seeing the pressure tests given to them, I am scared I would not be able to handle so much. In fact my kids’ challenge has given me the urge to go ahead, but still have my doubts….. I think I am happy cooking for the ones who love me and I love. Yes happiness begins from home…and I can patiently give it here

There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves !