Letters — Stock Photo

When days and eves seemed gloomy, A whiff of fresh air announced our dear Vimi Coupled with the technical skills of Rahil She gave us Home Scrabble leagues continuously She brought smiles and joy in our days of misery.

It started with a round robin league from twenty more enthusiasts pitched in as its their favorite game to be ! All ladies set aside their chores though they were maidless It reached a humongous number and two leagues to foresee The passion, dedication, continuous games a treat !

Lockdown has been so helpful for you and me to connect with each and everyone across the sea. Bonding with family time has been the big realization, but meeting up with scrabble fraternity is also family ! Yes ! we have enjoyed each moment of six weeks amicably.

Thank you wonderful organizers who took the lead. Precisely and perfectly you managed to a tee! If perchance conflicts arose unknown, you had a superb teamwork to resolve it sweetly. Yes Lockdown Leagues – we wont forget for eternity !

Rohaina Tanveer ( Aqueel) 4th May, 2020